At Bronze Anthology, we put our collective brainpower together to help others experience the joy of books. Our website is the bibliophile’s choice for book reviews, book collecting tips, and bookish adventures. When it comes to books available for sale, we specialize in booksets, as well as vintage and specialty books. All of our items are sold online through a variety of marketplaces.
While completing our Graduate degrees, we discovered a newfound hobby of collecting books. It was one of those activities that you stumble upon and quickly enjoy, leading to a near-obsession. After spending several years reselling books on the side while working full-time in our field of studies, we took the plunge and dedicated all of our working hours to buying and selling books.
The newest addition to our book family is our beautiful daughter, Koufax Tennyson. She loves her bedtime stories and those books that she particularly enjoys, we provide a review for in Koufax’s Korner. In staying true to her namesake, the books are given a 1 to 4 baseball score: single, double, triple, or a homerun!
Contact Us
Although we do not have a physical retail location, we are easy to contact with a variety of communication channels. We have the following Social Media accounts:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/bronzeanthology
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/bronzeanthology
- Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bronzeanthology
- Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/bronzeanthology
- Email Subscriber Signup – https://mailchi.mp/edb96c0fa17c/bronze-anthology
Please reach out anytime, we are always happy to chat about books!